Freeplaytech RPi0W Game Boy#
Page is dedicated to Game Boy on Raspberry Pi Zero W project made possible by Freeplaytech circuit board.
Controller options#
To determine button values run following command:
jstest /dev/input/js0
Replace js0 with js1, js2, js3, etc. as needed if not detected.
Auto configuration is stored at /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/autoconfig
Remaps are saved as .rmp
files in directory: /opt/retropie/configs/SYSTEMNAME/
Run ROMs form USB#
- Format USB.
- Create folder
- Plug into RPi. All necessary contents will be copied on USB drive.
Once the folder structure is copied over the USB will be mounted over the RetroPie folder so any ROMs you add to your Pi will be run off of the USB. RetroPi Docs
Case upgrade#
- RetroModding - Backlight bleeding protector
- RetroModding - Speaker color ring
- RetroModding - Cart cover ventilated
- RetroModding - Cart cover solid
Start guide#
- imager - 20051301 version
- change HDMI = 2
/boot/config.txt -> hdmi_drive=2
install joycond